
Drop-Off Location For All Donations

As we move into the recovery stage, items to assist with rebuilding Saint Vincent & The Grenadines are most needed, along with cash donations.

Thank You!

KLC Shipping
50 Tiffield Rd, Unit 15
M1V 5B7

Donations can be accepted Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm

*Please note that used clothing CONNOT be accepted

For more information or to donate larger items, please contact Stuart Brereton at (416) 707-0125


May 6th, 2021 Update


In addition to the Sunwing air shipment of emergency supplies, CARI-ON has packed and shipped 7x40ft containers to SVG, with two more containers currently being organized. Our sincerest thanks goes out to our partners - KLC Shipping, GlobalMedic, Toronto SVG Support Group, and SVGAT, as well as the donation centres - New Haven Funeral Home, Faith Ministries, and Morning Start Christian Fellowship. Our gratitude is also extended to all of the volunteers who have worked so tirelessly to coordinate the efforts so far.

Of course, this incredible response would not have been possible without the vital support and compassionate hearts of you all, and for this, we and the people of St Vincent and Grenadines thank you. With the added complication of heavy rains, it will be a long road of recovery for our country. But we are confident that together, St Vincent and the Grenadines will rise from the ashes as a strong united nation.

Due to the massive global response to the immediate supply needs, we are no longer accepting donations of food, water, or diapers. We also kindly advise that monetary donations, which can assist in the rebuilding of the economy of SVG, will make the greatest impact at this time.
